Lockdown continues. Super bored of it all but we are all coping well otherwise. Had a number of zoom calls over the weekend so was good to catch up. Mood depends hugely on the weather but gladly the weather has been superb again. So great!

On Friday at work we had our first ever dev conference where everyone gave a presentation on a topic that interests them. I gave mine on Advanced Level CSS which was specifically on new features coming to the browser, including Houdini, and Container Queries. I made lots of demos which was pretty time consuming but fun, but didn't give me much time to focus on the slides themselves I will do more of that next time. Next time I think I will do a presentation on Web Components.

  • Running: Three times last week. Not getting any easier and running first thing is not the best time in the day physically but there is almost no people and Emma wakes me up so then is a good time.

  • Reading: I continued reading "Killing Commendatore" by Haruki Murakami.

  • Exercise: Running three times, biking once, PE with Joe Wicks or walk to the field other days. 40 Vitality Points.