This year I really would like to achieve some cool things in running. Here are some of them:
sub 20 minute 5k (first on a treadmill, then in real-life e.g. park run)
sub 40 minute 10k (this will have to be done on strava)
Complete a trail half-marathon. I have signed up for two trail half-marathons:
- May 25th 2019 Maverick x TRIBE Run Free Half Marathon 2019
- October 12th 2019 The Maverick inov-8 Original Oxfordshire 2019
Run Further than I know how to: (See how far I can run):
[x] 12 miles. (done! 12.11 miles - 11.03.2019 and Super Muddy and Wet Maverick Oxfordshire - trail half)
[x] 13 miles. (done see 15 miles)
[x] 14 miles (done see 15 miles)
[x] 15 miles (done! Hot and mountainous Maverick Tribe 24k)
[ ] 16 miles
[ ] 17 miles
[ ] 18 miles
[ ] 19 miles
[ ] 20 miles
[ ] 21 miles
[ ] 22 miles
[ ] 23 miles
[ ] 24 miles
[ ] 25 miles
[ ] 26 miles
[ ] 26.2 miles+
[ ] 50k!