To start again you have to let go of the past and move forward to free yourself of the baggage that weighed you down. This is what I want to do with this post, to finalise the year 2010 and get ready to embrace 2011. For me the year that was 2010 was an incredible year full of life changing activities and one where a number of big goals were completed. I'll list them here:

  • Proposed to my now fianceé Marion on the top of Glastonbury Tor - June.
  • Completed my "Masters CIW Designer" course thus ending a long 2.5 year journey - December.
  • I Became a front-end Web Developer for Heath Wallace and beginning my career in web- August.
  • Quit Thames Water and thus ending my career  in Chemistry - July.
  • Completing the toughest long-distance walking route - Corisca's GR20 - with Marion - September.
  • I passed my course in Digital Photography - January.

My next post will contain what I want to do in 2011 so keep your eyes out for that! Until then, adios amigos!