• Happy New Year! I'm sitting in the lounge at home - and the kids are in bed asleep so I can relax - after a long day of travelling and looking after our kids whilst tired from lack of sleep.

  • First thing I received when I got home was a blast of chilly water in my face. The pipe connection under our sink had broken and the water leaked straight into my face and legs. Fortunately I could stop the flow quickly. Currently waiting for a plumber to call.

  • We spent a week in Brittany in a place not far from the coastal (summer) resort town of Sables d'Or les Pins on the North coast of Brittany. The town had an enormous and gloriously golden sandy beach which we went to every day. When the tide was out it was out a very long way because the shelving was super shallow.

  • I ran three times and we walked a lot (as much as you can when there's a bitingly cold wind, with two young children). I have started taking selfies when I run so I can remember where I ran though this might change now that I am back in the UK and running in the dark again.

  • We loved the crepes and cider and exploring along the coast. On the final day we went to the Acquarium in St Malo and explored the old town before catching our boat back to the UK last night.

  • Exercise: Running Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Walking every day. 40 Vitality Points!