• Arthur went to school for the first time in 10+ weeks. Just for 2 days on
    Monday and Tuesday but it was great for him (and us) for him to get some
    proper schooling and see his friends again.

  • Emma's nursery is still closed but we found out that it will re-open in the
    second week of July which is still 4 weeks away from today but something to
    look forward to. We're also investigating an alternative nursery that is
    already open.

  • On Saturday we met up with friends and went for a small walk in Pangbourne
    along the river. Then in the evening Marion and I had a take-away curry and
    watched "Parasite" which is most definitely the best film I have seen in a
    long time.

  • Sunday we met my Mum at Dinton Pastures for a walk which was really great
    except that there were way too many people and lots of people walking past
    super close which made us feel quite uncomfortable at times. Bikes going
    past people going past people. I think some people just don't care much any
    more about the rules. 12+ weeks living in this "lockdown"

  • Running: Three times last week. Usual routes but had to climb under a
    fence as the farmer now has cows in a field and didn't want walker/runners
    to go near them. I also did some hill reps on Friday's run.

  • Reading: I'm reading "Caught Inside"
    by Daniel Duane and also received two editions of Standart magazine which
    is about coffee and the culture and those working in coffee.

  • Exercise: Running three times, biking once, PE with Joe Wicks or walk to the
    field other days. 40 Vitality Points.