This week:

  • Arthur has a woobly front tooth!

  • Made good progress with the House Controller Next project. I can control all the Sonos and Hue devices via my API which is super useful when I want to turn everything off with a button on my Pi.

  • The next thing on the list is to be able to control things other than the Sonos and Hue i.e. I bought some Tapo smart plugs that (at the moment) don't have a JS api but can be controllable by Google Home (OK Google) so I'm going to see if there is a JS way of triggering Google Home automatically.

  • Talking about "OK Google" I've just brought our Google Home mini out of the garage storage and Arthur is now happy controlling things with this, e.g. turn all lights off in lounge or set a timer. Great!

  • Have continued taking the Serverless Functions course on Frontend Masters.

  • Ran four times. Once with Marion on Wednesday which was our first time running together since the summer in France. If possible we'll go once a week at lunchtime. I have convinced her to buy some off-road shoes so we can go running in the mud! I hit 20+ miles for the first time since September.

  • On Saturday we went to the clumps for a walk, then watched the rugby (England won!) and in the evening had a raclette.

  • On Sunday I went for a run, we had pancakes, went to the park in Cholsey, watched the rugby (France won!), then a scooter expidition (Emma is getting much better but hasn't mastered the stearing part!), then in the evening I started to show Arthur how to use the BBC Micro:bit. Cool!