This week:

  • I finished the Client-side GraphQL Course on Frontend Masters which was pretty interesting. I then started the Advanced GraphQL course also by the amazing Scott Moss.

  • I ran 4 times this week. It has been raining a lot so there's a ton of mud on the most interesting routes. I'm tired at the end of this week.

  • Turned off the Hasura integration as I was going tracking way too often and it would have started to cost me. Next I will look at replacing it with SQLite.

  • Put up more Christmas decorations and lights, went to see the epic Cholsey Lights (there's a whole street that go to 11 on the lights, for Charity). Just the Neopixels to go. Working in Codepen to see what could be some great patterns.

  • Neopixel Christmas Lights

  • Have been watching some of the Cyclocross on Eurosport. Basically mountain biking on a road bike, for an hour over laps of a course in Belgium or Holland. Lots of mud, lots of excitement!