Over the last week I:

  • Continued to read "Staff Engineer". Now reading the interview section.

  • Finished reading "Paddling North" by Audrey Sutherland. A good book about an 850 km Alaskan sea paddle in 85 days.

  • A friend B and her daughter came to stay over the weekend. We went for a couple of walks and the kids played together, ate some delicious food, and had a good catch up.

  • Took Arthur to hockey on Sunday morning.

  • Had another water outage on Friday afternoon + evening. A regular occurrence.

  • went on another two epic bike rides:

    • on Tuesday evening with Alistair and George discovered the most horrendously sticky mud and decided to ride 20 miles in it. The mud currently has a low water content so sticks to itself and everything else gets clogged up with it. Mud sticks to mud sticks to branches and stones and the end result is a bike that is so heavy and clogged that you can't ride it or lift it. The only solution is to walk and then scrape off enough mud when you get to a road section where you can continue. Good fun though! ). Link to Ride
    • On Saturday morning, joined by Alistair, I wanted to try out one of my favourite rides from last summer. So we did this lovely ride towards Watlington and past a massive country house (that is currently for sale for a cool £23 million+) and of course had a bit of mud, across some nice trails and feeling like we needed a bit more cycling we decided to go to the amazing Blue Tin Farm Shop Cafe which made the total a eye watering 27 miles (including the horrific Berin's Hill - ouch!). Link to Ride