Here's what I got up to over the last week:

  • Final pottery class. This week we were glazing the pottery that we created in the first 5 weeks. It'll be another 3 weeks until we see the final results.

  • Bike Ride to the Black Horse with George. Was a short and fast ride but the pub and beer were amazing. One Zwift session: Zwift - The Gorby in Yorkshire

  • Long (Fri-Sun) weekend in London visiting my brother and his family. We went to Covent Garden, Natural History Museum, Tate Modern, River Cruise, DLR, Bus and a tube, and a chilled out Swim on Sunday. Great fun but super tired by the end of the weekend.

  • Started to read "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big" by Scott Adams. Finished listening to "The Steal Like an Artist Audio Trilogy" by Austin Kleon

  • Container Queries were released in Firefox so now they're in all major browsers. This is super exciting as they are really an amazing CSS feature.