• This (Saturday) morning we all took ourselves to the Ridgeway and walked along breathing the cold humid (but fresh!) air and getting some views of the distant lands.
  • so much rain has fallen, the river is so swollen and running along it last night was too difficult. I had to stop and wade through ankle deep stretches. Also I could use a decent running light as the beam of light from my phone's torch is too poor to run with. Here's the run.
  • Work has been pretty hectic lately, not on Serene this sprint but on another older project.
  • I re-started running going out before the crack of dawn on Thursday morning in the cold and super dark. Here's the run.
  • With work people we went to the Thirsty Meeples board games cafe to celebrate the release of Serene and an excellent few months at work.
  • It was Marion's birthday last week and we went to The Copa Club in Streatley. I made Marion a Gin and Tonic birthday cake.